Did God create transgender? (2)

Part two: Now how shall we live?

In part one, from the Holy Bible I answered the title question with a clear, “No, God did not create transgender people.”

If God were responsible for creating me as transgender—for creating a person to have Down Syndrome, or autism, or twins to be conjoined, or any variation with which a person might enter the world, I will no longer believe in Him; He is not the God of love and mercy as He describes Himself. Rather, He would be nothing more than a mad scientist, one who enjoys zapping us with every difficult and terrible thing in order to watch us run around like chickens with our heads cut off.

He did not create us this way so that we are born with or acquire many and various things which do not meet the definition of “good.” In part one, I showed from the Holy Bible that all variations in humans arose from Adam’s disobedience, causing us to be fallen and fractured and mortal. That question answered, this one follows: “Now how shall we live?” which breaks down into a twofold, “How shall I act?” and, “How shall I treat others?”

As God in Christ is the Lord of all creation, considering no one better or worse than another (Acts 10:34), neither do I have any interest in being prejudicial. My twin goals are, first, to honor and glorify my Lord Jesus with a correct understanding of His Word and, second, to love my neighbor as I love myself, treating all people the way I would have them treat me.

What of those who are not Christians? In general, everything I shall suggest applies to everyone. Living ethically and honorably, treating all people with respect, is the job of all humans, whether Christian or Muslim or Hindu or animist or pagan or atheist.

The question is not how I came to be this way—artistic, musical, or athletic; autistic, transgender, or gay; good-looking, high-IQed, or sober-minded; cancer-ridden, Parkinson’s-plagued, or arthritis-twisted; enjoying great health, great wealth, or great fame—but what I do with it.

While I would never have requested that I live with this competition between my gender and sex, I am pleased with the many gifts the Lord gave me via my parents. If all people are given various positive things, yet also plagued with various negative things, how would one choose?

When asked, people often will tell you that they would not trade what they have. For one, we learn to use what we have, both the good and the bad. For another, what others have scares us more than what we have because theirs is unfamiliar and we have gotten to know and deal with ours. Finally, we know that no person is exempt from many and various conditions, illnesses, and diseases, and that we all die.

Each life comes down to: “This is who I am. Now how shall I live?” For all the good which most people achieve in life, we all are guilty of way too much bad. We constantly prove my saying about the attitude of everyone: The world revolves around me, regardless whether a person is an atheist or a serious practitioner of a religion.

We love to puff ourselves up. We are experts at putting others down. We easily and quickly reject that which is different from us, things of which we know nothing, things which are incompatible with our experience.

We are selfish.

As a people, we are sexually unethical. We gratify our self-centered desires with wasteful spending, as with gambling and when a lotto hits an obscene dollar amount, and with credit card debt to buy now and gouge ourselves for years with interest compounded upon interest. We indulge in excessive alcohol consumption. We carry out every behavior under the sun in which our only justification often is, “I deserve it.”

Prejudice, bigotry, judgmental—every form of unfair thinking against individuals and people groups is practiced by individuals in every people group. I am sad to report that among my trans friends, some have put down others for their slow pace in transitioning, for their not dressing well enough as their desired sex, and you name it. I shouldn’t be surprised; I used to listen to my brother pastors run down each other. I too easily played the game of boosting myself at the expense of others.

Cisgender, transgender, heterosexual, homosexual, pansexual, asexual? It doesn’t matter. I point no fingers at anyone without pointing the same fingers at myself. No one is exempt. All are guilty.

With my biblical definitions of what is good and not good, what is normal and abnormal, and that every person is either born with or will acquire any manner of things which God did not intend when He created, it means nothing to me what thing or things about you are variations from the pattern of being formed in God’s image.

Whether you are a fellow Christian or not, I only seek this from all people: How do you act? How do you treat others?

No one has permission to use bipolar disorder to justify bad behavior, or a hard life to excuse drunkenness, or personal desire to allow for sexual promiscuity, or transgender transitioning to justify leaving a spouse or spending exorbitant sums of money at a pace that exceeds the family’s budget, or being confined to a wheelchair to rationalize a “get this for me, get that for me” attitude, or “People gossip about me so I should be able to gossip about them,” or . . . you could name a dozen other things.

We constantly excuse our bad behavior. “Everyone’s doing it.” “He hit me first.” “She’s doesn’t deserve more than I have.” “They’re a bunch of jerks.”

I loathe “God does not make mistakes,” and “God made me this way” because they seem always to go with one’s excusing his behavior so that he can do whatever he wants. As the Lord had Solomon write in Ecclesiastes 1:9, there is nothing new under the sun. And as with all generations of humankind we tend toward creating God in our image, defining Him in ways which suit us, to make us feel better about ourselves, and to allow us to live as we desire.

A Christian can be transgender AND act ethically, living according to the Lord’s laws and precepts, which is this Christian’s daily task. People of other religions or no religion can be transgender AND act ethically according to the laws of conscience and of government.

Fill in the blank with whatever gifts or curses which inhabit you. With effort, you can be the way you are AND act ethically, honorably, charitably, humbly, graciously, and dare I suggest magnanimously.

We all are a combination of items from the menu which is humanity. Since we are in this together, how about if we do this together, engender peace so that we all might have a chance to prosper?

To enjoy life.

To enjoy each other.

And, for me and my fellow Christians, to glorify Christ because He has earned it and because we want everyone to know His love as we enjoy it and the blessings only He can provide, both now and forever.

18 thoughts on “Did God create transgender? (2)

  1. Having gotten to know your lovely personality, Karen, I feel like I am sensing correctly what is behind your comment. I heard a mix of humor with the notion that I have put myself into a spot of being in the sights of people from every direction. As I said in Saturday’s post, I already have my trans friends confounded regarding me, as I am the only one among us who is a conservative Christian. (And, yes, at a meeting of about thirty of us, I asked, and no one but me admitted to it.) And, since I announced my gender dysphoria last April, I’ve had relatives, Christian friends, pastors, long-time friends, and more confounded about me and the target of much difficult stuff, some of which has even been unfair.

    I guess I have to be a target. If I am going to stand up for what I believe – for the One in whom I believe – then His prophecy will have to be true in my life: the world will hate me on account of Him (Matthew 10:22). Echoing Luther: Here I stand. I can do no other. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:68).”


    1. Good morning, Gina. As I was reading this comment, I couldn’t help but think of this Farside cartoon: https://tinyurl.com/mu9bbn5. I’m reminded of this each time I encounter someone who has chosen to take an unpopular stand.

      You have embraced who you are and are living it out as honestly and faithfully as possible. And, as you have learned, there are many who DISAGREE with this. May God extend all grace to you and Julie as you journey together. Pardon the anonymous zoodad10 moniker. It’s how I initially engaged via WordPress MANY years ago and has it’s own long story. I look forward to more reading and growth.

      (Chaplain) Rick Cruse

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi, Chaplain Rick!

        Great to hear from you. I love that cartoon. It hangs on my brother’s trailer wall, with many similar cartoons, where I used to bunk during our family deer camp.

        Thank you for your kind words, and for visiting me. I am giving serious thought to CPE. Julie and I have talked about trans care for patients. Many thoughts are forming. I look forward to talking more with you!



  2. Well said. The point applies, as you point out, to the one who has an incurable or chronic disease as well as one who is transgender. Your “mad scientist” comment reminds me that the Lord is not a mad scientist but, as we hear in one of your favorite Scripture verses, “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We have a John 3:17 sighting! While it is impossible to say that this or that gift or promise from the Lord is the best, I often refer to this as my favorite verse. Thanks, Ken!


  4. I’m stoked reading your words and seeing your heart through them. Thank you for thinking, totally. It’s a blessing to read someone working honorably to do the best they can (and partnering with Holy Spirit to do so, to boot)! Thanks even more so for choosing to love where people aren’t loving you back. That’s being the Body. Super rad. Bless you big time, Gina!


    1. Hey, Ben! I am delighted that you found me, or, it appears, Nathan connected us. I just posted a reply to the FB chat. I adore you guys! Thank you for your lovely comments.

      So, are you the Ben Wamberg I am finding on Google, with lots of music links, such as benwamberg.bandcamp?

      If you want to stay connected, please friend me on FB. (I am slow to friend people because I don’t like putting them on the spot.)

      Peace to you, Ben!


      1. I am the same Ben Wamberg google has shown you, yes ma’am. I’ll add you as I’m responding. Nathan is solid as. He and Sadie are so dang cool. Peace to you as well Gina!


      2. Cool bean, Ben! Re: Nathan, he comes from good stock. His grandparents were members of my church in Michigan, and I adore them. I got to know Nathan’s parents really well and they, too, are dandies. You fit right in!


  5. I’m back and reading more of your posts.

    I must say that appreciate your confession in these “Did God create transgender?” posts. Thank you.

    I appreciate you saying, “A Christian can be transgender AND act ethically, living according to the Lord’s laws and precepts, which is this Christian’s daily task.” I might say “strive to act,” for I agree with you that we all struggle with temptation and sin, and far too often fall prey to it.

    So, I’m wondering, how is giving in to your transgender feelings, dressing like a woman, being called Gina, etc., “living according to the Lord’s laws and precepts”? Shouldn’t continued repentance: contrition, seeking to turn from this path, and faith, be the Christian way? It won’t change the “being”, but it reflects the Godly way of “acting”, right?

    Again, thanks for your thoughtful and respectful reply.


    1. Hi, Doug~

      Good to see you. Thank you for reading.

      I appreciate and certainly agree with your amendment, “strive to act.”

      Yet, where you went from there reveals the important difference: From whence my gender dysphoria? Clearly, I have come down on the side of it being the result of my being intersex, from my endocrine system having been disrupted (there are many known maladies from endocrine system disruption), and therefore I did not come into the world as solely male.

      So, “giving in”? That would be incorrect and unfair—as if a person gives in to being born with any of the many congenital maladies.

      I DO continually repent of all of my sins. I also continue to hate that I am this way. As the Lord Jesus said, “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” I hate my life in this world, that is, my fallen and fractured and sinful nature, the nature by which I continually sin in thought and word and deed, the nature in which I find myself living as a trans person.

      I gladly embrace none of this being transgender. I only came to it so that I would no kill myself, or lose my mind, or have to be so heavily sedated that I would have become a shell of a person. None of those are an exaggeration, but precisely where my life was.

      Now, in this situation, I strive to act in a Christian way. I strive to act ethically according to God’s Word. I strive to fulfill the two greatest commandments. I strive with the Holy Spirit holding fast to me, giving me the faith to strive in Jesus Christ.

      The Lord be with you in your own striving in Christ.



  6. I hear your struggle and have compassion for you. Certainly God does not want us to hurt or harm ourselves in our bodies.

    Can you tell me: has your intersex condition been diagnosed by a doctor?
    Would you distinguish between a person who has transgender feelings and a person who suffers from the intersex condition you talk about?
    Having the “sexual characteristics” of both male and female (you’re not saying that you have both male and female sexual organs, right?), and assuming that you have the male sexual organs, I’m wondering why/how the female side has overwhelmed the male side such that you desire to dress as a female and be called by a female name?

    Yes, may the Lord be with us poor sinners as we “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness,” as we “fight the good fight of the faith” 1 Tim. 6:11.

    Sincerely in Christ.


  7. Doug~

    Thank you for your understanding, and for the way in which you put your thoughts and ask your questions.

    Has my intersex condition been diagnosed by a doctor? It has, as much as a condition of this sort is able to be diagnosed at this time. I see an endocrinologist. That being on hormone replacement therapy has provided me with peace is recognized as the proof we can have at this time that my endocrine system was maligned in such a way that when I had regular testosterone and estrogen levels for a male I was in turmoil.

    You asked, “Would you distinguish between a person who has transgender feelings and a person who suffers from the intersex condition you talk about?” There is a wide range of possibilities inside of this entire conversation. If I did not have two things to which to point that my endocrine system had been disrupted—my mom being on estrogen when pregnant with me, and that she was under extreme stress because of my brother (stress is more and more being recognized as an endocrine disruptor)—and if I did not have other signs in my body which could be signs of it—I went through puberty extremely late, I have no Adam’s apple, and I am lefthanded (research is suggesting lefthandedness, which is found in only 10% of people, could be the result of endocrine system disruption)—I would be stumped as to my having gender dysphoria, with no other thing in my past to account for it.

    We know from specific people—Walt Heyer is the poster child for this because he is widely known—that gender dysphoria, which can lead to a person transitioning, can arise from something other than an intersex condition. Heyer experienced extreme trauma when a young boy, including sexual abuse. I personally know two genetic males, who now have transitioned, who tell of heinous sexual abuse to them in their youth. Yes, I wonder if they have been correctly diagnosed, whether they could have resolved their gender identity issue if therapy were directed another way.

    No, I do not have any ambiguity to my genitals. When you ask how it is that “the female side has overwhelmed the male side such that you desire to dress as a female and be called by a female name,” the answer is very simple: the brain is the quarterback of the body. I wrote about that here:

    In short, my entire sense is that I am a female so, of course, I desire to dress and live as a female. Here is where I ask: How would it go for you if you were forced to dress and live as a female? Surely, this would be horrible, even torturous to you. That is what living as a male was for me.

    As I “fight the good fight of the faith (1 Timothy 6:11),” I do so in humility. I do not assume I have every answer. I have studied hard and wide. I have examined myself deeply and for a long time. Every step of the way, I have endeavored to do the right thing. I long to please and serve the Lord Jesus. I know that sounds so very sketchy based on where I am in life. This is where I will beg you and all to humbly recognize that you have not walked in my shoes, have no grasp of my pain, and cannot begin to imagine how you would have proceeded if you were in my position.

    Thank you, Doug, for your thoughts and questions. It is important for me to answer them. I am pretty sure I am going to make use of this in one of my Q & A posts, so good are your questions and important for me to address.



  8. Thanks for those answers. You’ve given me much to think about. I’ll certainly keep reading more of your posts as I try to learn more about your struggles and the struggles of those who suffer from gender dysphoria or intersex conditions. And I do wish that more people would engage in the conversation with reason and humility, and without hyperbole or vitriol.

    You ask: “How would it go for you …?” And you ask me to “recognize that you have not walked in my shoes, have no grasp of my pain, and cannot begin to imagine how you would have proceeded if you were in my position.” I think you answered the question for me. It can only be a thought experiment for me, and I imagine that it “would be horrible, even torturous.”

    I do feel compassion for you, even as I know our Lord Jesus would, and I pray, “Lord, have mercy!” And yes, peace be with you.


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