Thanksgiving reflections on Julie

On our anniversary in 2019.

After my wife left me in April 2001, I was depressed. My kids lived with me, and I was the new pastor in my congregation. I begged the Lord that He wouldn’t make me wait long to feel better. In June, Julie and I were emailing. July: I found myself falling for her. August: I told her so. She reciprocated. We were married that December 30.

Julie is my greatest earthly blessing. Here are six reasons she’s my miracle-mate.

Circa 2003: Julie, Jackie, Addison, Alex, Erin, me.

Our kids

Julie didn’t have any children, then came into our family—my kids were 20, 18, 15, and 12—and won the kids’ hearts as she’d won mine. Though the kids call her by her first name, there is no “step” in their relationships.

The summer after we married: I’m 45; Julie is 30.

The age gap

I’m fifteen years older than Julie. She keeps me young, and with the desire to keep up with her. This is my goal: remain physically and mentally active. I want to celebrate our 50th anniversary. I’ll have to be 94 to do that. I’m giving it all I got.

Gina and Julie 9.11.16.

My malady

When in 2001 I told her my secret, she didn’t flinch. When in 2013 I fell apart, she became our strength. Where many spouses cut and run for it at the prospects I presented, the only place Julie ever went was closer to me. She took the lead, researching my malady, purchasing books, and finding a competent therapist for me. We went through everything together. She never wavered in her wedding vow, to be with me for better or for worse.

On her way to work on Halloween.

The breadwinner

In 2014, I was forced to leave the ministry, so I could deal with my malady. Julie had to find a job that could sustain us. We moved to Indianapolis, and needed to buy a house. Julie landed the job, where she has flourished. I’m now drawing Social Security. I feel good about that, contributing more to our bottom line. If not for Julie, we would not be in good financial condition.

The printout of one of my books, for Julie to mark up.

My editor

During my years of suffering, I wrote. In 2018, after I was healed, I completed my autobiography. I didn’t know what to do with it. Julie said, “Let me see that.” She, the college-educated and former professional writer, proceeded to edit and polish it. We’ve now published six books together, and many more are to come. I have a new career, and we love working together.

There is nowhere I enjoy my wife more than when we are working together in our garden.


Julie and I enjoy each other’s company. We laugh, constantly. We can pick on each other, knowing it’s always done with affection. We work side by side. We have common goals. There is never a time I’m not glad to be with her.

I am always thankful she is my wife.

Why was this photo taken? Beats me, but I love it. Julie is at her adorable best, while I’m, um, checking the carpet fibers.

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