“Transgender Christian: An Oxymoron?” – 5 seminar videos

On March 15-16 2024, at the invitation of Pastor Mark Buetow, my wife Julie and I presented a seminar titled, “Transgender Christian: An Oxymoron?”, at Zion Lutheran Church, of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), in McHenry, Illinois.

In the way that I was the first pastor in the LCMS to announce that he suffered from gender dysphoria, and then after leaving the ministry to have transitioned to living as a female, Pastor Buetow is the first LCMS pastor to invite me to speak to his congregation about the ticklish topic of transgender.

Why did he do it? “Because,” he said, “it’s affecting members of my congregation.” And, in my remarks, I said my reason for wanting to speak was because “few in the Missouri Synod know what to do with it in a Christlike manner.”

There were a few in Pastor Buetow’s congregation who questioned hosting this event. Some of those attended. I spoke with two of them. They told me their minds were changed. Why? Because, previously, they knew little about this.

Pastor Buetow’s congregation is on the small side. For its size, I was surprised by how many students are in their preschool-through-third-grade school. In all Julie and I witnessed, Zion is a vibrant place, a spirit that begins with its minister.

Because the congregation is smaller, we knew it would show in attendance for our presentation. The most we had in church at one time was around forty. Overall, more than fifty different people attended sessions, several from McHenry’s sister LCMS congregation.

Julie and I were grateful for each one. All paid close attention. Many spoke with us during breaks. They gave us the feedback we hoped to receive: they were edified regarding transgender and strengthened in their faith in the Lord.

The faith part of our message focused on the universal gift of Christ: “For God so loved the WORLD.” Thus, no matter who we are talking about, Jesus died on the cross for them. This needs to inform how we think about those who are different from us, whose lives we don’t understand, even when we take offense at them.

When Julie and I spoke with Pastor Buetow after the event, his take on the entirety of it pleased me. He said that we began and ended on Jesus Christ.

Amen, Pastor. We sure did.

Then, in my first Facebook post regarding the event, he wrote, “You and Julie gave a fantastic, informative, polished, and most of all Christ-centered presentation. One of the key takeaways should be obvious to any Christian, but we need to be reminded often: every person is one for whom Jesus died. Remembering that will help us go a long way to loving our neighbor. The science was extremely helpful. Even more so was the reminder that all aspects of creation have been wrecked by the fall, gender having no exemption. Thanks again for coming here and teaching us a thing or two!”

To that, I proclaim, Hallelujah!

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Following each video is the rundown of that video’s topics. On YouTube, click on the time notations to go directly to the topic.

0:00: An overview of how I got here – Lutheran and transgender. 26:00: Getting into transgender. Swyer syndrome – females who are XY male – which bathroom? 38:17: Disorders of sex development. Other disorders for which we don’t know their cause. 54:05: Christian faith: objective and subjective justification. 59:48: “This is one for whom Christ also died.” 1:04:30: Harmful substances that might be causing gender dysphoria. 1:18:10: Signs that I have androgen insensitivity. 1:21:44: In 2013, my gender dysphoria erupts. Julie finds the report that changed my life. 1:24:43: More on what causes gender dysphoria. Introducing the problem of suicide. 1:32:29: “Outcast” – a reading from “A Roller Coaster through a Hurricane.” 1:36:54: Suicide; Leelah Alcorn. I don’t want anyone to have to transition. 1:42:47: Trans Christians I’ve gotten to know. 1:44:48: My hormone shift and my feeling of being exclusively male. 1:48:02: The turmoil I experienced. 1:50:05: The effects of Original Sin. Let’s be Romans 5 people.

0:00: I introduce Julie 3:00: Julie: “I am a cisgender person.” Transgender: the mismatch of parts. 8:00: Greg & Julie. Julie’s attitude toward me. 9:27: Greg’s frustration mounts, finally tells Julie how he’s suffering. Julie fears suicide. 16:02: Julie makes a pro/con list regarding my transitioning. 17:01: How we met. 19:19: Our first conversation: a proposal of marriage! 20:48: 2013: what Julie wanted for me. Our marriage would be fine. 21:58: I fought transitioning. Julie was certain I needed it. She dug in learning. 23:45: Disorders and their effects. 28:00: Sin and its effects on us. 29:07: Types of disorders, and how they affect others. 30:07: Fetal development. Disorders of sex development. 34:44: DES. Adverse effects on me. 38:39: “If only I could spend one day in Greg’s brain.” 39:18: What to do about her husband’s brain/body mismatch? 41:24: Telling others: the internal struggle goes external. 42:13: What others experience by learning a loved one is trans. 44:14: The trans person’s outside world crumbles. 45:06: Trans persons are accused of being selfish and sinning. 45:28: All are affected with a sinful nature. 47:17: Yet, some insist gender was left untouched by sin. 48:10: “Who chooses internal torment?” 49:45: “Gender issues give people the willies.” “Put it in a box.” 51:14: “Praise God, Jesus didn’t shy away from the discomfort of His broken creation, and took that discomfort all the way to the cross.” 52:51: We address Julie’s con list. 101:50: Pastor Buetow makes a terrible joke! Then shares an important thought.

0:00: Opening thoughts. 7:42: Genesis 1:27 – God created us male and female. 15:27: Deuteronomy 22:5 – On the wearing of clothes. 28:27: 1 Corinthians 6:18 – Sexual immorality. 33:44: Bear your cross after Christ. 38:05: Q & A – In my deepest moments of despair, where did I see Christ? 42:50: Fallout from my going public. 50:11: Q & A – How do I minister to other trans persons? 55:33: Q & A – Regarding self harming. 1:03:31: Q & A – The masculinizing/feminizing of the brain in the womb. 1:06:34: Q & A – Why more transwomen than transmen? 1:10:35: Q & A – Is there a physical reason for gender dysphoria? 1:13:28: Q & A – Names and pronouns.

0:00: Opening remarks. 1:41: Julie discusses bathroom legislation. 7:20: Transgender and sports. 9:45: Julie presents healthcare and trans youth. 20:17: Social media – memes that send wrong messages. 26:03: Introducing writings from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. 29:57: CTCR report on gender dysphoria. 36:17: “A man or a woman?” from the journal of the seminary I attended. 56:05: I answer the question: What if it is a sin to transition? 58:20: Introduction to the magazine, The Lutheran Witness (LW). 58:57: Julie discusses LW article, “Viva la difference!” 1:02:38: LCMS President Harrison’s placing of gender identity with sexual identity. 1:05:38: LW article, “Male & female He created them.” 1:08:30: LW article, “The resurrection body: Jesus’ answer to transgenderism.” 1:14:00: LW article, Julie discusses “God’s truth vs. man’s opinions.” 1:17:24: Q & A – Has the LCMS become hardhearted? 1:19:19: Q & A – Is it time for our seminaries to teach re transgender? 1:22:05: Q & A – Re: transgender being forced down our throats. 1:28:55: Q & A – Do you find yourself caught between two communities? 1:32:52: Q & A – Do you thinking transitioning can show a lack of faith in God’s ability to heal you? 1:36:05: Q & A – How can we glorify God with our thorns? 1:37:34: Q & A – Isn’t unlikely most people don’t suffer real gender dysphoria?

This video is not broken into topics.

Throughout the seminar, we quoted from my two books on the topic. You may purchase them here, both available in ebook and paperback.

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